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Staff News

BME Members in the News

June 2018
AAMI & GE Healthcare BMET of the Year Award 2018
Announcement of the 2018 AAMI & GE Healthcare BMET of the Year Award presented to J. Scot Mackeil, CBET, of the MGH Anesthesia Clinical Engineering group.

October 2016
HTM Programs: Where’s the Demand? What’s Its Nature?
In this Soapbox article in 24x7's Weekly Jolt, Rick Schrenker challenges the clinical engineering community to assess its future.

June 2016
Avoiding Data Breaches through a Culture of Collaboration
In this Soapbox article for 24x7, Rick Schrenker compares aspects of today’s approaches and reactions to data breach reporting with the medical community’s evolution in dealing with safety reporting over the last almost three decades.

February 2016
If Not HTM, Who? Evaluating Safety from Both Sides, Now
In the CE Perspectives section of 24x7 online, Rick Schrenker talks about the changes that he's observed in clinical engineering in his 37 years in the field and that the one thing that stays the same is the need to focus on the safe application of technology to patient care.
A press release in EurekAlert regarding a talk by Julian Goldman at the NJIT President's Forum and Faculty Research Showcase about major initiatives, including technology development, in Life Sciences and Engineering and Data Science and Technology.
An article in Healthcare IT News announcing that Michael Fraai will talk at HIMSS 2016 about integrating biomedical devices into an electronic health record system.

April 2015
Networks and the Normalization of Deviance
A blog post by Rick Schrenker in the 24x7 blog responding to the issue of networks in healthcare and the nature and rate of failures.

January 2015
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
Rick Schrenker’s review of Atul Gawande’s “The Checklist Manifesto”.

AAMI members, see the archives of BI&T for the article.
Article Citation: Richard A. Schrenker (2015) The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: Jan./Feb. 2015, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 68-68.

November 2014
Solving the Interoperability Challenge: Safe and reliable information exchange requires more from product designers.
An article by Julian Goldman in IEEE EMBS Pulse magazine about the problems preventing safe interoperablity of devices and proposed steps for device designers and manufacturers to resolve them.

April 2014
Design Pillars for Medical Cyber-Physical System Middleware
Paper presented by Dave Arney and Jeff Plourde of MD PnP at the 5th Workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems in Berlin, Germany in April 2014. The team presented two types of user requirements and discussed how they can be used to validate middleware for MCPS (medical cyber-physical systems). The two types of requirements are Clinical Requirements, which capture the needs of clinicians, clinical engineers, biomedical engineers, and other medically-oriented users and Design Pillars, which are broad-scope non-functional requirements that we and our team of collaborators have formulated over ten years of building MCPS implementations.

August 2013

Technicians or Magicians?
An article in the MGH Hotline about the work done by the Model Shop. "From simple brackets and mounts that optimize the ergonomic layout of bedside equipment, to complex test apparatuses used in research protocols, to three-dimensional anatomical models generated from radiological images, the MGH Biomedical Engineering Model Shop is able to provide a solution for a wide array of problems."

July 2013
The Healthcare Technology Professional as Patient
A blog post by Rick Schrenker in the Health IT section of AAMIBlog about his recent personal experience as a patient in a hospital.
The Healthcare Technology Professional as Patient

April 2013
The 'Dreamliner' Lesson for All of Us
A blog post by Rick Schrenker in the Health IT section of AAMIBlog. The post discusses how we can all learn from the mistakes made in the airline industry.
Rick Schrenker: The ‘Dreamliner’ Lesson for All of Us

January - February 2012
Integrating Patient Data - Safety Concerns Limit Functionality
An article by Luis Melendez in the IT World section of the January-February 2012 issue of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.
AAMI Members, see the archives of BI & T for article.
Article Citation: Luis Melendez (2012) Integrating Patient Data: Safety Concerns Limit Functionality. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: Jan./Feb. 2012, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 64-67.

incose logo Rick Schrenker and Biomedical Working Group receive INCOSE 2011 award for Outreach
The Biomedical Working Group, led by Rick Schrenker, has been selected to receive a 2011 INCOSE award for Outreach. This award is intended to recognize the group’s exceptional outreach efforts to significantly expand the awareness of and value of INCOSE among biomedical industry associations and to establish collaborative initiatives to advance systems engineering practices in the biomedical/healthcare industry. The award will be presented during the Opening Plenary at the IW 2012 on Saturday, January 21st in Jacksonville, Florida.

September - October 2011
Laying the Groundwork for IEC 80001-1
The latest article by Rick Schrenker and Rick Hampton appears in the Issue Stories section of the September issue of 24 x 7 magazine. The article recommends that clinical engineers prepare for success by reading the standard and resolving important organizational issues.

July - August 2011
Guidelines From 80001
Maintaining a Medical IT Network

An article by Martin Janssen and Rick Schrenker (MGH) in the Features section of the July /August issue of BI & T. The article discusses how healthcare organizations must maintain medical IT networks throughout their life cycle with respect to safety, security and effectiveness.
AAMI Members, see archives of BI & T for article.
Article Citation: Martin Janssen and Rick Schrenker (2011) Guidelines From 80001: Maintaining a Medical IT Network. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: July/August 2011, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 295-299.

January - February 2011
What Does IEC 80001-1 Mean to You?
An article by Rick Schrenker and Rick Hampton in the Issue Stories section of the January issue of 24 x 7 magazine. The article provides an in-depth look at the major components and objectives of this critical standard and their importance to you.

November - December 2010
IEC 80001-1 Has Arrived
An article by Rick Schrenker and Rick Hampton in the Networking section of 24 x 7's November issue. Now that IEC 80001-1 is a real standard, what is its impact on us, both now and in the future? Read the article to find out!

July - August, 2010
Home Healthcare: It's about the Patient, and the Caregiver
An article by Rick Schrenker in the In My Opinion section of Home Healthcare Horizons 2010 that discusses how engineers should not only consider the special needs of the patient when designing technologies for home care use, but also the needs of the caregiver.
Home Healthcare: It's about the Patient, and the Caregiver
Julian Goldman, MD Awarded INCOSE's Pioneer Award
(Chicago, 15 July 2010) – "The International Council of Systems Engineering has awarded Julian M. Goldman, M.D. its prestigious Pioneer award for his role in practicing systems engineering in the field of medicine. INCOSE honored Dr. Goldman for his total contribution to the field of medicine, where he is perhaps best known for founding the interdisciplinary MD PnP Interoperability Program, sometimes known as Medical Device Plug and Play, which involves medical device integration to improve patient safety and clinical care." (from press release)

January - February, 2010
Provider Voice Needed in Standards Setting
An article by Rick Schrenker in the Standards & Regulatory Watch section of the January/February 2010 issue of BI&T that discusses why biomedical engineering professionals should be involved in standards development as well as suggestions for how to get started.
AAMI members, see the archives of BI&T for article.
Article Citation: Richard A. Schrenker (2010) Provider Voice Needed in Standards Setting. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: January/February 2010, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 68-69.
The Case for a Systems Focus in Healthcare
An article by Rick Schrenker in the 2010 edition of AAMI's IT Horizons. The article makes the case that as medical devices become more interconnected, a systems engineering approach to healthcare is necessary to ensure that all of these systems work together. Clinical engineers are uniquely positioned to apply a systems-oriented focus to assuring patient safety through this transition.

AAMI members, see the archives of IT Horizons for the article.
Article Citation: Schrenker, R. “The Case for a Systems Focus in Healthcare,”. IT Horizons 2010.

November - December, 2009

Biomed Paves the Way on EMR Implementation Efforts
An article in the December issue of AAMI News about the electronic medical record system at Partners Healthcare, featuring an interview with Luis Melendez in which he discusses how biomedical engineering can have an impact in the implementation of healthcare IT projects.

July - August, 2009
Plug-and-Play for Medical Devices:
Experiences from a Case Study

An article coauthored by Julian Goldman in the Patient Safety Focus section of the July-August issue of BI&T. The article presents a case study implementation that serves as a research platform for developing infrastructure for prototype interoperable systems, a tool for presenting the ideas of medical device plug-and-play, and a means of exploring the clinical patient safety applications enabled by interoperable systems.
Plug and Play for Medical Devices article

Failures and Consequences
An article by Rick Schrenker in the Networking section of the July issue of 24x7 which includes case discussions of real-life failures of networked medical devices and their consequences.

May - June, 2009

Julian Goldman, MD wins AAMI Foundation/Institute for Technology in
Health Care Clinical Application Award

This award is given to an individual who applied innovative clinical engineering practices or
principles in order to solve one or more significant clinical patient care problems or challenges
facing a patient population, community, or group.

March - April, 2009

Online business news

Michael Fraai was quoted in an article about GE's Carescape telemetry platform on
April 3rd.

AAMI News, April 2009
The AAMI newsletter for April includes a tribute to Rossiny Jacques written by Ilir Kullolli
in "Paying Tribute to the Behind-the-Scenes Stars of Technology Management" (page 14)
and features Rick Schrenker in the Members News section (page 18).
AAMI News, April 2009

ACCE News, March/April 2009
The March/April ACCE newsletter includes news about awards presented to two
department members by ACCE at the HIMSS conference this year. Julian Goldman, MD,
won the Professional Achievement in Technology Award/Professional Development Award (see page 4) and Michael Fraai won the ACCE 2009 Challenge Award (page 3). The issue also features an article about a Workshop on Health Technology Management (HTM) in Ghana which Evelyn Fan attended (page 8).
ACCE News, March/April, 2009

BWH Public Affairs Awards and Honors
The ACCE awards were also noted on the BWH Public Affairs Awards and Honors
web page.
Link to BWH Public Affairs Awards and Honors archive

Beyond the Ilities: What Makes Medical Technology Unique
An editorial by Rick Schrenker in Medical Electronics Resources Guide, Electronic
Component News/Medical Design Technology.
Medical Design Technology Article
A Double Merger: Biomed at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
An interview with Sue Schade, BWH CIO, in the View from the Top section of the March/April issue of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology (BI&T).
AAMI members, see archives of BI&T for article.
Article Citation: (2009) A Double Merger: Biomed at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: March 2009, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 111-111.

November - December, 2008
Sufficient Evidence: Making the Case for Safety
An article by Rick Schrenker in the Patient Safety Focus section of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology (BI&T) about the use of safety cases with clinical systems.
Sufficient Evidence Article

September - October, 2008

Safety at the Point of Care
An article by Rick Schrenker in the Soapbox section of 24 X 7
magazine about clinical engineering's role in the point of care.

July - August, 2008

Developing a Biomedical Engineering Website
for Clinical Users

An article on how to develop a website that is an effective equipment resource for clinical staff by Eileen Hall and Ellen Kinnealey. The article is in the Patient Safety Focus section of the July-August issue of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.
Clinical Website Article

Selecting a Computerized Maintenance Management System
An article by Ilir Kullolli for hospitals looking to update their CMMS in the Clinical Engineering Management section of the July-August issue of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.
AAMI members, see archives of BI&T for article.
Article Citation: Ilir Kullolli (2008) Selecting a Computerized Maintenance Management System. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: July 2008, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 276-278.

Plug and Play Hospitals
An article featuring Dr. Julian Goldman in MIT's Technology Review about how
interoperability of medical devices could make hospitals safer and more efficient.

March - April, 2008

Clinical Alarm Management: A Team Effort
An article on a team approach to managing clinical alarms
at Massachusetts General Hospital by Joan Brown and Pat Anglin-Regal in the Patient Safety Focus section of the March-April issue of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.
Clinical Alarm Management Article

Solving System Crashes
A follow-up to a case report in the November 2007 issue of 24 x 7 coauthored by Jeff Cooper, PhD and Patricia Volpe.

January - February, 2008

Forging new avenues of communication on the Pediatric Unit
An article in the February 21st issue of Caring (page 12) by Ellen Kinnealey, RN about how
multiple departments came together to offer a technological solution to a clinical dilemma.

An Inspired Collaboration
Article in 24 x 7 about collaboration between Biomedical Engineering and Nursing at BWH. Includes photo and quotes from Michael Fraai and Jacinta Telesford-Ximba.

Interoperability Is Just Around the Corner—Right?
Article in 24 x 7 written by Rick Schrenker on recent progress
in the area of interoperability of medical devices.

Getting Connected for Patient Safety - How Medical Device "Plug-and-Play" Interoperability
Can Make a Difference

Article in Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare Newsletter coauthored by Julian Goldman, MD.
Link to article in PSQH archives

November - December, 2007

System Crashes: A Case Report
A case report in 24 x 7 coauthored by Jeff Cooper, PhD and Patricia Volpe on the failure of an ECG management system.

PBME members receive prestigious Kennedy Award for Healthcare Innovation
Congratulations to the Medical Device Plug-and-Play (PnP) team led by Dr. Julian Goldman
and including Rick Schrenker, Shankar Krishnan, and Philippe Cortes. The Kennedy Award
is presented each year by CIMIT to recognize an outstanding team whose work embodies
the CIMIT mission of innovative collaboration.
For more, read the press release -

September - October 2007

Learning from Failure: The Teachings of Petroski
Article by Rick Schrenker about how healthcare today can learn from civil engineering professor Henry Petroski, who has written extensively about failure analysis and design theory. Published in the Patient Safety Focus section of the September-October 2007 issue of Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.
AAMI members, see archives of BI&T for article.
Article Citation: Richard Schrenker (2007) Learning from Failure: The Teachings of Petroski. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: September 2007, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 395-398.

May - June 2007

Data integration key to healthcare goals
Article in Network World on data integration featuring Dr. Julian Goldman.
Link to article in Network World archives

Getting medical devices to talk to each other
Article on interoperability in "White Coat Notes" in featuring Dr. Julian Goldman

March - April 2007

How to Improve It? Ask Those Who Use It
Article on innovation in healthcare technology in featuring Dr. Nat Sims.

April, 2006

The Delivery of Drugs to Patients by Continuous Intravenous Infusion: Modeling Predicts
Potential Dose Fluctuations Depending on Flow Rates and Infusion System Dead Volume

Article in Anesthesia & Analgesia on potential dosing errors in IV drug delivery, coauthored
by Ellen Kinnealy, RN and Nat Sims, MD
Link to article in Anesthesia and Analgesia archives

Added to site: March, 2008
Source: PBME
Document owner: Eileen Hall

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This page was last updated on 9/29/2023